I have long believed that Nature is our intended healer. And Nature's food, and other sources of energy are our intended medicines. Through the respectful use of a wide array of natural whole foods we have everything needed to develop, sustain and heal our whole being.
Eating nutritionally dense food is one part of an integrated set of practices; ensuring that our body, mind and soul are aligned and healthy. Physical exercise is necessary for a long and happy life, as is mental and energetic exercise. Golf, yoga, tai-chi, resistance training, running, walking and even pickleball are a few examples of physical activities that can transcend physical health and provide benefit to the mind and soul if we allow it. Meditation and other forms of mindful introspection are necessities for the growth & healing of our whole being; and to get the most rewards from life.
All of us are entitled to a healthful, happy, and meaningful life. The status of our education, monetary wealth, physical challenges, race, gender or sexual identity is not relevant to this entitlement.
These principals guide everything that I am and do as a wellness therapy and advocacy leader. My goal is to provide the best wholistic wellness programs and advice to anyone who wants or needs it.