Several people have helped me in one way or another with this website. Without them, this site would be much less than it is now.
Thank you Anderson Rian for your moon phases photo
Thank you Annie Spratt for your purple sage photo
Thank you David Dibert for your full moon photo
Thank you Emily Kencairn for your Buddha photo
Thank you Evin Dennis for your question mark photo
Thank you Kate Hliznitsova for your flowers and pills photo
Thank you Katie Smith for your cutting board photo
Thank you Kelly Sikkema for your dumbell photo
Thank you Kelly Sikkema for your hands black heart photo
Thank you Kira auf der Heide for your mannican photo
Thank you magic bowls for your tibetin bowls photo
Thank you Owen Beard for your hand x-ray photo
Thank you Prescilla du Preez for your thankyou photo